Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Woke up in madison... and met Oliver.

So after sleeping a lot on a nice couch...

I met Oliver, Lisa and Dylan's son....

Hung out with Kalijah for a bit:

Then Dylan and I decided to go find a photo store and get some food.  I bought all of the 120 color film in the store (Albeit he only had five rolls) and hung around in downtown Madison for a bit.

It seems like a nice city, not big enough to have crazy traffic or have anything really fucked up happen, but also not so small that you would have to  leave every time you wanted to go have fun or buy something slightly obscure.  (for example, 120 film)

Like Dylan says, "It's like Davis but with something to do".

Also, the architects that designed this courthouse were watching way too much Back to the Future II.

I wish Biff would come crash into it.

After that, Dylan and I said our goodbye and I got back on the road.

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